Kick Start Your Savings Series - Emergency Fund

This post is part of the Virginia Saves Kick Start Your Savings Summer. Each week we'll
 focus on saving for a particular savings goal or how to save on everyday expenditures. 
To kick start your own savings click here.For beginning and more advanced savers, nothing is more important than the emergency fund. As the cornerstone of your savings plan, an emergency fund is your protection against unexpected, but inevitable, expenses.
Step 1- Figure out your goal & a place to save. Having an emergency savings fund may be the most important difference between those who manage to stay afloat and those who are sinking financially. That's because maintaining emergency savings of $500 to $1,000 allows you to easily meet unexpected financial challenges such as a car repair or medical bill and avoid high interest, short-term loans. With your emergency fund goal in mind, decide where you want to save it. Do you need to open a savings account? Do you want to add to a savings account you already have? Determine your goal and where to keep your emergency savings.
Step 2 - Save automatically. Have a portion of your paycheck, as little as $50 a month, transferred automatically from your checking to savings account. Individuals who save automatically are more than six times more likely to be successful long-term.
Step 3 – Track your progress. By enrolling as a Virginia Saver, you can utilize the Virginia Saves Savings Tracker for free to record deposits and monitor your progress. If you’re not sure where to find the money to start saving, cutting down expenses can be easier than you think. Institute a “no-spend day” and for each dollar you don’t spend, add to your emergency fun. Stay tuned for next week for even more ways to save on everyday expenditures!

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